"Tree 1"  Ink on paper 40 x 40cm *2009

"erste Kirsche"  Ink on paper 40 x 40cm *2009

"Tree 2"  Ink on Paper 40 x 40cm *2009

"ohne Titel"  Ink on paper 40 x 40cm *2009

"Tree 3"  Ink on paper 40 x 40cm *2009

"Tree 4"  Ink on Paper 40 x 40cm *2009

"Vatersland"  Ink and Acrylic on paper *2009

"Wochestersauce auf Hemd und Hose"  Ink on paper 40 x 40cm *2009

"Green"  Ink on paper 40 x 40cm *2009

"ohne Titel"  Ink on paper 40 x 40cm *2009

"Vater aß nie Pain au chocolat"  Ink on paper 40 x 40cm *2009

"A SunDay Smile" *2009  Ink and paper on paper 40 x 40cm